Unleash your dog’s potential!

Please note:

In 2024 we will focus on training therapy dogs for community work!

Placements for our etiquette schools are now closed.


  • Setting the groundwork in the first month with your new pup is essential to raising a well balanced dog.

    We help you and your puppy sleep through the night, succeed with toilet training, and build the foundations for a happy, confident life.

    Your pal will be introduced to basic commands and will work on building confidence for the big wide world.

    Puppy text line: We’ll hold your hand through the process with our puppy support text line.

    Home Visits: We help you and your dog cope with the transition once you start leaving them to go to work.

    We’ll stop in for a play, clean any accidents and leave them with a safe enrichment activity. Most importantly, you’ll get some photos of your puppy to brighten your day.

    (Four free home visits included in your course!)

    Duration: One hour session every week for four weeks (4 hours total). Online or in person.

    Price: $150

  • Sharpen your pencils, its time for lessons!

    Building on training essentials learnt in our Puppy Basics course, we help your puppy master being a polite and engaged pooch.

    You'll be acing recall, teaching your puppy to spend time alone and preparing your dog for life in the real world.

    You’ll get a tailor made training routine that suits your busy schedule and a homework sheet to keep you and your pooch on track!

    Puppy text line: We’ll hold your hand through the process with our puppy support text line.

    Duration: One hour session every week for four weeks (4 hours total). Online or in person.

    Price: $150


  • Loose leash walking has to be one of the most commonly misunderstood skills to master with your dog.

    We’ll take you through a step by step program to help you and your dog become champions at loose leash walking.

    Duration: One hour session every week for four weeks (4 hours total). In person lessons only.

    Price: $200

  • Ok, so your dog knows how to sit, stay and shake. Our work here is done right?

    Think again!

    This is the age to focus on some behaviors that might be cute now, but not when your puppy is fully grown. Our aim is to raise polite and confident dogs.

    We work on preparing your dog to spend longer stretches alone, polite greetings at the front door and how to walk nicely on the lead.

    Duration: One hour session every week for four weeks (4 hours total). Online or in person.

    Price: $200


  • Whoever said you can’t teach old dogs new tricks wasn’t holding the right treats!

    If you have a specific behaviour you’d like to work on we can assist.

    Get in touch for more details.

    Duration: Case by case

    Price: Starting at $80 per hour

  • Put your pooch to the test with our advanced lessons in etiquette!

    We will build on the skills learned in level I & II, as well as introducing agility work. Your pup will master several tricks to impress your fellow canine pals and receive a voucher to begin nose-work classes!

    Duration: One hour session every week for four weeks (4 hours total). Online or in person.

    Price: $200